Unmarried mothers and disadvantaged youths commit to fight against gender-based violence

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20 Jun 2014

Unmarried mothers and disadvantaged youths commit to fight against gender-based violence

Boarders at the Youth Education Pack (YEP) Centre in Blolequin, 580 km west of Abidjan have made a commitment to sensitise elderly people on the consequences of female excision and forced and early marriages.

They made the pledge after a sensitization meeting on 19 June 2014 organised by the UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire (UNOCI). The campaign involved the projection of a film on the negative consequences of female excision and early/forced marriages titled and produced by UNOCI Human Rights division as well as talks given by members of the Public Information and Rule of Law offices of UNOCI, the UN Population Fund, the Legal Clinic in Guiglo and the Centre Social in Blolequin.

The campaign examined the impact of these malpractices including rape and the legal implications for the perpetrators and their accomplices as well as the victims.

A spokesperson for the boarders, Jean-Yves Ouly expressed their satisfaction, saying they had among them unmarried mothers and youths-at-risk who are victims of violence in their family. « Some of them have been forced to abandon school after having been rejected by their companion or family. That is why this campaign is important as we now know who to report to and what attitude to adopt when confronted with violence against women, » he said.

An official of the Norwegian Refugee Council, Anoh Toure Kouao who finances programmes of the YEP encouraged the boarders to spread the knowledge acquired and to promote all the good things they have learnt. She also requested the assistance of UNOCI in organizing similar campaigns in other centres in Duekoue, Guiglo, Zagne and Toulepleu.

There are at present 39 boys and 91 girls receiving training in literacy, dress making, hairdressing, bakery and agriculture as income generating activities.