Day of the African Child commemorated in Daloa, Tai and Gueyede

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19 Jun 2014

Day of the African Child commemorated in Daloa, Tai and Gueyede

Celebrations marking the Day of the African Child on 16 June 2014 were organised in Daloa, Tai and Toulepleu divisions by the Child Protection Unit of the UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire (UNOCI) and its partners to sensitise the public on the rights of children through roundtable discussions and cultural activities.

Daloa campaign

Activities in Daloa were organized on Tuesday 17 June under the auspices of the Regional Department of Solidarity, Family, Women and Children with the support of UNOCI and consisted in the projection of films, drama performances and poetry recitals condemning violence against children.

UNOCI regional coordinator for Sector West, Ousmane Kane seized the opportunity to call on parents to be more responsible in their attitude toward children. « I am making a vibrant appeal to you to ensure compulsory and good quality education for all the children.» He drew their attention to the use of violence against children in schools and called on them to sanction perpetrators.

The activities were attended by local administrative and military authorities of the town.

Tai campaign

In Tai division, it was noted that the period of conflict had seriously hindered children from attending school and that despite all the efforts by national and international authorities to ensure free education for every child, much remained to be done. The sensitisation

campaign began on 16 June in Paule-Oula village, 15 km from Tai and focused on the right of the child to education. Apart from awarding prizes to the best pupils of the academic year, a roundtable discussion was held in the sub Prefecture of Zagne with the active participation of actors in the education sector who resolved to mobilise their energies toward a better education for their children.

The Inspector of primary education, Kouassi Kouame outlined some of the challenges facing children's education including the shortage of teachers and the lack of housing facilities for them. He appealed for donations of desks and other school equipment and pedagogic materials.

Gueyede campaign

In the village of Gueyede, sub Prefecture of Tiobly in Toulepleu division, the celebration was marked by the performance of a children's choir which intoned a song averring that « the peace which our parents could not find, UNOCI has brought to us ».

A public discussion conducted by UNOCI and the local Red Cross chapter focused on the maltreatment of children, early pregnancy of the girl child, rape and violence against women.

UNOCI Child Protection official, Alex Kapalo called on parents to take the destiny of the progeny into their hands and ensure a bright future that would enable them to contribute to the development of their region. He reiterated the five rights of the child including the right to life, education, health, protection and participation in matters related to their future.

UNOCI military observer, Colonel Marena noted that a lot of wrong was done to the children during the conflict, saying it was time for forgiveness and reconciliation in order to attain a brighter future.

The Sub Prefect of Tiobly, Kouassi Koffi remarked that the subjects discussed were of capital interest for the population especially as several cases of violation of the rights of children and women, and early pregnancies have been brought to his notice. « It is important that we see a change in your attitude to the question of children if not we shall apply the necessary measures. Henceforth if I find a girl of less than 16 pregnant, I will fetch the culprit and he shall answer before the competent authority,» he warned.

Mr. Kouassi hoped the protection committee in the village would go to work and report all cases of violence and thanked UNOCI for organising the campaign.

The Chief of Gueyede village, Bernard Kuewon expressed the joy of the population in welcoming UNOCI which he said had opened the eyes of the population to what it must do to ensure the protection of children. He appealed for local and UNOCI support for the return of their relatives in exile in Liberia. « Your presence here is a sign that the war is over. Help us to bring back our brothers, » he said.