Media and civil society actors in Guemon undergo training on conflict management

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17 Jun 2014

Media and civil society actors in Guemon undergo training on conflict management

Media practitioners and members of civil society organizations took part in a 2-day training course on 13 June 2014 in Guemon region on conflict and rumour management as well as human rights as a means of reinforcing social cohesion and creating a peaceful environment.

The course which took place in Duekoue, 502 km north-west of Abidjan, was organized by the UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire (UNOCI) and centred on three themes namely: the prevention, management and settlement of conflicts: principles and dynamics; human rights and social peace; the protection of the woman and the child for the reinforcement of social peace.

The workshop drew up a number of resolutions including the setting up of a discussion platform within the framework of an early warning system to fight against rumours and the prevention of inter-community conflicts in Guemon; the organisation of inter-community cultural events to strengthen social cohesion and facilitate real reconciliation; the popularization of human rights notions especially the rights of women and children through the use of community radios and the support of political leaders and civil society; the sensitisation of the population about the negative effects of early and forced marriages.

Participants also discussed guidelines for the handling of information on the violation of children's rights and the respect of the media code of ethics in this regard; respect of the life and dignity of the child; the denunciation of all cases of rape and violations of human rights, and the involvement of women in the peace and reconciliation process and conflict management.

The head of the UNOCI delegation told participants that resolutions and recommendations arrived at should be translated into reality in order to help promote social cohesion.

Local authorities said they were pleased with the outcome of the workshop and called on the participants to implement the recommendations in the field.