Moroccan contingent awards prizes to best pupils

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27 May 2014

Moroccan contingent awards prizes to best pupils

The Moroccan contingent of the UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire (UNOCI) based in Toulepleu has donated school kits to the best pupils in its area of deployment. Some 15 pupils of the "groupe scolaire 1 et 3" in Toulepleu, 650 km west of Abidjan, were the happy recipients of knapsacks, exercise books and other materials on Saturday 24 May 2014.

The donation was part of an end-of –year ceremony presided over by the Sub Prefect of Toulepleu Albert Tra Bi.

The pedagogic adviser, Maurice Boue Dotro thanked the teachers for their self-abnegation and commitment, and promised to produce the best results in this year's final examinations. He expressed certain concerns including the need for potable water for the 800 pupils of his establishment.

For his part, Lt. Colonel Youssef Jamjama of the Moroccan contingent said the donation was to encourage parents to send their children to school. "Apart from our duty to support the improvement of the security situation, we also wish by this gesture to express our solidarity with parents and to encourage them to give their children the opportunity to go to schools they can secure a good future," he said.

The Inspector of primary education in Toulepleu, Apollinaire Nzi thanked the UN soldiers of peace for their laudable gesture at this end of year. He also requested the assistance of the Blue Helmets for the rehabilitation of the school canteen in the coming school year.