Special Representative stands by the population of Angovia

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28 Apr 2014

Special Representative stands by the population of Angovia

The Special Representative of UN Secretary-General in Cote d'Ivoire, Mrs. Aichatou Mindaoudou on 24 April 2014 visited the population of Angovia, Marahoue sub Prefecture, 300 km centre-west of Abidjan to show them support and compassion during the holding of the 33rd edition of UN Days in Bouaffle. It would be recalled that the inhabitants of Angovia and Allahou Bazi villages were victims of a violent incident in July 2013 causing considerable loss of lives and property.

The Chief of Angovia village welcomed the support of the UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire (UNOCI) during the painful incident. "UNOCI helped to evacuate the wounded and took charge of the medical expenses. The UN Mission also ensured the security of the villages until the situation returned to normal," he said. "Thanks to UNOCI's efforts, Angovia and Allahou Bazi are now reconciled, that is why the two villages are here today to welcome you."

The representative of the Economic Community of West African States called on the two villages to strengthen their relations by living in peace and tolerance. "The work of UNOCI concerns all of us; peace begins with our neighbor irrespective of his nationality. It must be a collective commitment without any precondition," he stressed.

For her part, the UNOCI boss, Mrs. Mindaoudou reiterated the purpose of her visit."I could not visit the region and fail to come here and express my sympathy with you for what your villages experienced. Today's visit is to expresses the UN's solidarity with you," she told the population that had gathered at the community esplanade. She welcomed the willingness of the population of the two villages to continue to live in fraternity. "It is our place to ensure that what happened here never repeats itself," she said.

The Special Representative was accompanied by the divisional Prefect, M. Gbamele