Inhabitants of Zriglo and Sakre in the far west urged to remain calm

27 Mar 2014

Inhabitants of Zriglo and Sakre in the far west urged to remain calm

Following persistent rumours of an imminent attack, the people of Zriglo and Sakre in the south of Tai (750 km west of Abidjan) have become very worried to the extent that normal activity in the village has slowed down, according to one inhabitant, Constant Gnonkonte. As a result, the UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire (UNOCI) went to meet the people of the area on Tuesday 25 March 2014 to reassure them of UNOCI's commitment to assist in the reestablishment of peace and security.

The UNOCI Coordinator in Tai, Yvon Mabofe told the people she had come to reinforce partnership with them. "We have come to discuss with you about the preemption of any eventuality," she told a gathering of the inhabitants.

For her part, Child Protection officer, Sandra Penan said security was the concern of every one and called on them to share information, assuring them of the support of UNOCI which is working in collaboration with the national security forces. She told them to report any unusual activity and suspicious movements to the security forces so that they can carry put their duties sensibly.

The adviser to the Chief of Zriglo village, Ouedraogo Amidou proposed that UNOCI conduct robust and regular patrols as a strategy to preempt trouble.

The Chief of Sakre village, Jean Gnahoue thanked UNOCI for its efforts and reassured the delegation of its readiness to share information.