PRESS RELEASE - UNOCI categorically denies the presence of Charles Blé Goudé or any other detainee at its headquarters

4 Jan 2014

PRESS RELEASE - UNOCI categorically denies the presence of Charles Blé Goudé or any other detainee at its headquarters

Abidjan, 4 January 2014 - United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) has noticed with surprise that there is currently a rumour which is becoming more and more persistent about the "transfer and detention" of Mr Charles Blé Goudé at its headquarters in Sébroko.

UNOCI categorically denies this rumour which has no foundation. The Mission would like to state that it has not received nor provided accommodation on its premises for Mr. Blé Goudé or any other detainee. UNOCI would like to state that it is not an annex office of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in Côte d'Ivoire.

UNOCI would also like to state that it does not interfere in legal proceedings in Côte d'Ivoire.

Meanwhile, the UN Mission in Côte d'Ivoire will continue to implement its mandate conferred upon it by United Nations Security Council, which includes the protection of civilians and the promotion of human rights.

UNOCI will continue to carry out inclusive actions with transparency and impartiality in an effort to contribute to the consolidation of peace, national reconciliation and the facilitation of political dialogue between all Ivorian actors.

UNOCI would like to seize this occasion to call once again for professionalism and respect for ethics on the part of journalists and to remind them of their responsibilities as journalists when treating information.