Training of ex-combatants on how to turn plastic and organic material into useful items in Guiglo

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11 Dec 2013

Training of ex-combatants on how to turn plastic and organic material into useful items in Guiglo

The training on converting plastic and organic material into useable items, which is part of community reinsertion projects for ex-combatants, was officially launched on Saturday, 7 December 2013 in Guiglo, some 530 km west of Abidjan, by the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) and the Ivorian Authority for Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (ADDR).

As part of these projects, 184 trainees, including five women, living on a DDR site built by UNOCI in Guiglo since 3 December 2013, will be trained during a period of two months on basic skills of recycling waste, maintaining the machines used, respect for human rights and gender, the fight against HIV/AIDS, civic duty and discipline.

The head of UNOCI's DDR Division, Niyoyankana Germain, encouraged the trainees on the choice they had made. "I congratulate you for having deliberately chosen to put aside your weapons and focus on a new life. You have reason to be proud of the fact that you are going to be citizens who will serve your country well,"he said. Mr. Niyoyankana then assured them that the leadership of the UN Mission is determined to support the Government of Côte d'Ivoire to ensure the success of the reintegration and reinsertion process for ex-combatants.

For his part, Director of ADDR, Fidèle Sarasoro, after thanking UNOCI for making the site available for the training, urged the ex-combatants to seize the opportunity that has been given to them. "You have here a very good opportunity to get back into civilian life. You are going to acquire the skills which would allow you to become really agents of development and reconciliation,"he told them.

In his turn, the Prefect of Cavally Region, Koné Messamba, asked the ex-combatants to pay close attention to the information they will receive and make good use of it.

Speaking on behalf of the trainees, Jean Claude Kouassi, reassured the officials of their commitment to meet the challenge in front of them. "We will make you proud,"he promised.

The highlights of the ceremony was a visit to UNOCI's DDR site, the offices of the ADDR, as well as an operation to collect plastic waste from a local neighbourhood called Nicla.