UNOCI sensitizes scouts in the region of Tonkpi on child protection

13 Aug 2013

UNOCI sensitizes scouts in the region of Tonkpi on child protection

The Child Protection Section and the Public Information Office of the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI), on Friday, 9 August 2013, organized an information and sensitization session for a group of scouts from Tonkpi region, situated at 570 km northwest of Abidjan.

The occasion was the first edition of "Jamboree 2013", an annual meeting organized by scouts in Côte d'Ivoire. Some 50 scouts from the western towns of Danané, Biankouma, Sipilou, Logoualé and Man took part in the event.

Sylvie Konan from UNOCI's Child Protection Section in Man explained the notion of child protection by outlining the fundamental principles of the Convention of Children's Rights and the African Charter for the Rights and Well-Being of Children.

"When we talk about children's rights, we are talking about the prevention and fight against all forms of abuse, negligence, exploitation and violence committed against children," said Sylvie Konan.

She also highlighted the six serious instances of child abuse which have been denounced by the United Nations in a conflict situation. These include the killing or mutilation of children, recruitment or use of children by armed forces or groups, the kidnapping of children, rape and sexual abuse against children, attack against school or hospitals and hindering their access to humanitarian aid.

"I encourage you to contribute to the respect of these rights. Be vigilant and particularly attentive to situations in which children are involved and where they could be in danger. You should always consider the interest of children in the planning and implementation of your activities and share information on any violations of children's rights," she advised them.

The event ended with a cultural performance, including a dance choreographed by the participants of "Jamboree 2013".