Review of the Ivorian Press, Friday 12 July 2013

12 Jul 2013

Review of the Ivorian Press, Friday 12 July 2013

L'Intelligent d'Abidjan, Fraternite Matin, Soir Info, L'Inter:

President Alassane Ouattara yesterday received in audience the new Special

Representative of UN Secretary-General for Cote d'Ivoire, Mrs. Aichatou

Mindaoudou who said she was ready to assist Cote d'Ivoire in its peace,

reconciliation and development process. The new UN Special Representative

assumed office on Monday 8 July and has embarked on a series of meetings with

Ivorian authorities including Prime Minister Kablan Dduncan and Foreign Minister

Charles Diby.




The confirmation of charges against 84 members of former Ivorian president

Laurent Gbagbo is a clear sign that President Alassane Ouattara does not favour

a general amnesty for persons accused of serious crimes committed during the

post electoral crisis. Rounding up a visit to the north, the President


a clear message to the FPI declaring that "we do not have political prisoners in

Cote d'Ivoire. We have prisoners awaiting trial, some of whom belong to

political parties." L'Inter  sees the confirmation of charges as a

clear indication that former first lady Simone Gbagbo will be tried in Abidjan

and not at The Hague. The defence lawyers of Simone Gbagbo and Michel Gbagbo

have deplored the fact that since the arrest of their clients, they have not

been given access to the case files and evidence relating to the crimes alleged

to have been committed.


Fraternite Matin:


Minister-delegate for Defence, Paul Koffi Koffi opened a 2-day seminar yesterday

on security sector reform. The seminar rounds up a long series of workshops

aimed at drawing up a new plan of action and  set up a legal and institutional

framework for the reorganisation of the  Ivorian Armed Forces. The workshop is

expected to come up with some 40 documents that have been under study since 2012

on security sector reform. The reform covers a number of areas including defence

policy, the concept of employment in the armed forces, a draft law on military

programming and the president's military priorities. It is aimed at putting in

place a modern and functional army that is attached to the values of integrity

and republican morality.




A gang calling itself commando du nord > made up of ex-combatants of

Malian Peuhl origin and who were an adjunct of the Forces Nouvelles has

fallen into the dragnet of the Ivorian Army based in Aboisso. The commando had

relocated to the south of the country to carry out its criminal activities and

cause havoc to the population when they fell into a trap set by the military on

Wednesday night.