Ivorian Press, Tuesday 18 June 2013

18 Jun 2013

Ivorian Press, Tuesday 18 June 2013

L'Expression: UNOCI has been sensitising the people of Olodio, 490 km north-west of Abidjan, on the need to consolidate social cohesion and lasting peace. Some 100 persons representing the different communities in the area attended the sensitisation forum.

Le Nouveau Reveil: Prime Minister Kablan Duncan yesterday met with the heads of two UN affiliated institutions including the director of the World Bank operations in Cote d'Ivoire, Mandani Fall who discussed the issue of gender equality and the President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Melegue Traore who is in Cote d'Ivoire to make an appraisal of the work of the UN in the field.

Le Patriote: A senior official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced that the UN arms embargo placed on Cote d'Ivoire since 2004 would soon be lifted. Claude Beke was speaking yesterday after meeting with the visiting delegation of the Inter-Parliamentary Union. He said an Ivorian application for the lifting of the sanctions was receiving favourable attention at the sanctions committee of the UN Security Council.

L'Inter, Fraternite Matin, Soir Info, Le Jour Plus, Notre Voie, Le Nouveau Reveil, Le Patriote: Hundreds of victims of the post electoral crisis yesterday gathered at the Palais de Justice in Abidjan to demand the prosecution of former Ivorian president Laurent Gbagbo who is in detention at the International Criminal Court ICC. The victims were protesting against the decision of the ICC to adjourn the confirmation of charges against Mr. Gbagbo. ICC judges said they wanted the Prosecutor to provide additional evidence related to the crisis in which some 3000 persons lost their lives.

L'Inter, Notre Voie, Le Jour Plus, Le Mandat, L'Expression : Some 20 highway robbers armed with rocket launchers and AK 47 rifles organised a 4-hour hold-up along the Bouake-Tiebissou highway yesterday , robbing motorists, traders and passengers of their belongings. The hold-up took place between 7 to 10 am when the highwaymen took flight after they got wind of the arrival of the gendarmerie.

Le Nouveaau Reveil: 214 ex-combatants in Man yesterday began taking driving lessons to enable them become drivers of tricycles for public transportation. The project is being sponsored by the national Authority for Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration ADDR.

Notre Voie: Hearing opens tomorrow at the Abidjan Court of First Instance for some 90 members of former president Laurent Gbagbo's entourage. Sources said the proceedings would involve personalities in detention and those on bail. The prisoners include former First Lady, Simone Gbagbo, former PM Gilbert Ake and Michel Gbagbo, son of the former president.

Notre Voie: Officials of Amnesty International met yesterday with the leadership of the former ruling FPI party to get their views on the human rights situation in Cote d'ivoire. FPI Secretary-General Richard Kodjo seized the opportunity to report incidents of human rights abuses suffered by FPI militants.

L'Inter, L'Expression: Interim FPI president Miaka Oureto has released tv footage to an on-line tv broadcaster Eventsnews.tv showing an advanced stage of secret meetings with the PDCI party (a coalition partner with the ruling RDR party) with a view to creating an alliance against President Alassane Ouattara in the 2015 presidential election. Mr. Oureto made the revelation while on a trip to the Hague to visit Mr. Gbagbo.